LOLBin Attacks With Scheduled Tasks (T1053.005) and How To Detect Them

Based on a specific subset of Recorded Future’s research reporting, which focuses on emerging tools and TTPs, we saw a large increase in observations of the Scheduled Task technique (T1053.005), the sub-technique of Scheduled Task/Job (T1053), as compared to previous reporting by Recorded Future.

In this blog, I will first give an overview of the technique and discuss why it is used by adversaries. Second, I show multiple ways to access the Windows Task Scheduler. Third, I show how the technique has been used by various threat actors to achieve persistence, lateral movement, code execution, detection evasion, and privilege escalation. Lastly, I will discuss ways to detect the malicious use of the technique. 

What are Scheduled Tasks?

Adversaries may abuse the Windows Task Scheduler to perform task scheduling for initial or recurring execution of malicious code to achieve persistence, lateral movement, execution, detection evasion, and privilege escalation. The Task Scheduler allows predefined tasks to be automatically executed when certain time-based (e.g., backup script may be executed every night) or event-based (e.g., email may be sent if disk usage exceeds a certain threshold) conditions are fulfilled.

Why do adversaries use LOLBINs?

The executable underlying the Scheduled Task technique (schtasks.exe) is part of a collection of binaries commonly referred to as LOLBINS (Living off the Land Binaries and Scripts). Such LOBINS have multiple advantages from an adversarial perspective: 

  • Accessibility: There is a high chance to expect LOBINS on Windows systems so there is no need for downloading and installing them. 
  • Disguise: They are often used by third party vendors or system administrators, allowing adversarial activities to blend in with benign ones. They also allow attackers to bypass application whitelisting. 
  • Flexibility: schtasks.exe in particular offers a high degree of flexibility (e.g., credentials can be passed, specific user contexts can be chosen, or multi-action).
  • Automation: Lastly, the nature of schtasks.exe as an automation tool comes in handy for many activities essential in adversarial activities.

How to create Scheduled Tasks?

Scheduled Tasks can be created by any user without any privilege requirements (running tasks as privileged requires a higher privileged account). There are various ways to access the Windows Task Scheduler. The following will discuss 4 tools that can be used: 

Option 1: schtasks.exe

The Windows built-in utility schtasks.exe allows to create, delete, change, run, and end tasks on a local or remote computer. The following syntax is used to create a task on the local or remote computer:

schtasks /Create 
[/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]]  
[/RU username [/RP [password]] /SC schedule [/MO modifier] [/D day]
[/M months] [/I idletime] /TN taskname /TR taskrun [/ST starttime]
[/RI interval] [ {/ET endtime | /DU duration} [/K] 
[/XML xmlfile] [/V1]] [/SD startdate] [/ED enddate] [/IT] [/Z] [/F] 

Example (local task creation): 

schtasks /Create /SC minute /MO 1 /TN "Reverse shell" /TR c:\some\directory\revshell.exe

  • /Create creates a new scheduled task
  • /SC specifies the schedule frequency
  • /MO specifies how often the task runs within its schedule type
  • /TN defines the name that uniquely identifies the scheduled task
  • /TR specifies the path and file name of the task to be run at the scheduled time

Example (remote task creation): 

schtasks /Create /S [target] /RU [user_name] /RP [password] /TN "Example Task" /TR [task_command] /SC daily

  • /S specifies the remote computer to connect to
  • /RU specifies the user context under which the task runs (which can be system or a particular user)
  • /RP specifies the password for the user specified with the /RU parameter 

Option 2: at.exe (deprecated)

The built-in utility at.exe, which has been deprecated since Windows 8, allows to create, delete, change, run, and end tasks on a local or remote computer. Compared to schtasks.exe, at.exe can only be used by a member of the local Administrators group.


C:\Windows\System32\at.exe at 09:00 /interactive /every:s,su C:\Windows\System32\revshell.exe

The command above would run revshell.exe every Saturday and Sunday at 9:00AM. The /interactive parameter allows the command to interact with the desktop of the user who is logged on at the time the command runs.

Option 3: Task Scheduler (GUI) within the Control Panel

Task Scheduler can also be opened through the graphical user interface (GUI) within the Administrator Tools section of the Control Panel.

Option 4: PowerShell

Windows PowerShell provides a range of ScheduledTasks cmdlets, which can be utilized for the creation and management of scheduled tasks on Windows systems. 


PS C:\> $A = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "cmd.exe" -Argument "/c C:\Windows\Temp\backdoor.exe 
PS C:\> $T = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 9am 
PS C:\> $D = New-ScheduledTask -Action $A -Trigger $T 
PS C:\> Register-ScheduledTask Backdoor -InputObject $D"
  • New-ScheduledTaskAction creates a scheduled task action
  • New-ScheduledTaskTrigger creates a scheduled task trigger object
  • New-ScheduledTask creates a scheduled task instance
  • Register-ScheduledTask registers scheduled task definition on local computer
For more details and the full list of PowerShell cmdlets, refer to the Windows PowerShell documentation on ScheduledTasks. 

How is Scheduled Tasks used "in the wild"?

Based on our external observations of publicly reported incidents, option 1 (i.e., running schtasks.exe directly on the command line) is most often used by adversaries. Ordered by frequency, it is used to achieve persistence, lateral movement, code execution, detection evasion, and privilege escalation. Tactics often overlap. 


Persistence consists of techniques that adversaries use to keep access to systems across restarts, changed credentials, and other interruptions that could cut off their access. Examples include:

This threat actor, also known as Gamaredon or Armageddon Group, maintains persistence by using Scheduled Tasks with the payloads often named with seemingly random words and phrases with valid (but irrelevant) extensions: 

schtasks.exe” /CREATE /sc minute /mo 9 /tn “deep-grounded” /tr “wscript.exe “C:\\Users\\Public\\\deerfield\\defiance.wav” /b /e:VBScript” /F

The malware component, test.exe, uses "cmd.exe" /C whoami” to check if it is running with “System” privileges and then creates persistence by creating the following scheduled task:

schtasks /create /tn "mysc" /tr C:\Users\Public\test.exe /sc ONLOGON /ru "System"

Every minute the native Windows Script Host utility, wscript.exe, executes the malicious VBScript file, AppPool.vbs, which is located in the ProgramData subdirectory:

schtasks /Create /F /sc minute /mo 1 /tn “\WindowsAppPool\AppPool” /tr “wscript /b “C:\ProgrammData\WindowsAppPool\AppPool.vbs””

Briefly, the below command in the VBA code embedded in the Word document creates a scheduled task named SystemSoundsServices (mimicking System Sounds Service of Windows) to run Regsvr32.exe every 30 minutes. Regsvr32.exe is used to bypass application whitelisting script protection for executing a Component Object Model (COM) scriptlet that is dynamically downloaded from the given URL:

schtasks /create /sc MINUTE /tn "SystemSoundsServices" /tr "\"regsvr32.exe\" /s /n /u /i: scrobj.dll" /mo 30 /F 

Many other groups such as APT29 behind Sunburst or FIN6 have also been seen using schtasks.exe for persistence. 

Lateral movement

Lateral movement is often needed at an early stage of the attack lifecycle to move from one host to others in order to get closer and closer to the actual target (e.g., domain controller). Similar to WMI, Scheduled Tasks is used to execute code on remote systems over the network and follow a common execution pattern (i.e., create, run, and delete). The delete or “clean up” action is not necessary (e.g., if there is no need to remove traces of activity) and can be done both locally (i.e., on the newly compromised host) and remotely. Using Scheduled Tasks is common across a multitude of threat actors, ranging from ransomware groups to APTs. Some examples are:

Recent leaks from the Conti ransomware affiliates showed how they use Scheduled Tasks for lateral movement to deploy Cobalt Strike beacons laterally on networked machines, or to disable Windows Defender’s real-time monitoring by executing the PowerShell command Set-MpPreference -DisableRealTimeMonitoring $true as shown below: 

SCHTASKS /s [machine_name] /RU “SYSTEM” /create /tn [name] /tr “powershell.exe Set-MpPreference-DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true” /sc ONCE /sd 01/01/1910 /st 00:00

Dark Halo used schtasks.exe to create new tasks on remote machines:

schtasks /create /F /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\EventCacheManager" /tr "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\EventCacheManager.exe" /sc ONSTART /ru system /S [machine_name]


Execution (TA0002) consists of techniques that result in adversary-controlled code running on a local or remote system, and is often indirectly fulfilled through other tactics. One example is 

Chimera seems to heavily rely on Scheduled Tasks for executing a batch-file (.bat) to perform other tasks such as loading Cobalt Strike beacons or performing discovery commands on the compromised system as shown below:

schtasks /create /ru "SYSTEM" /tn "update" /tr "cmd /c c:\windows\temp\update.bat" /sc once /f /st 06:59:00

Detection Evasion

Defense Evasion refers to a set of techniques that adversaries use to avoid detection throughout their compromise. The well-documented banking trojan Qakbot has long used Scheduled Tasks to achieve persistence. Based on a Cisco Talos report from 2019, a change in the infection chain of Qakbot was observed making use of schtasks.exe in order to evade detection. 

Privilege Escalation

Scheduled Tasks can run with elevated privileges, indirectly satisfying the privilege escalation tactic (TA0004). Privilege escalation can also be achieved with Scheduled Tasks where the attacker can either control the actual target of Scheduled Tasks (e.g., a binary executed by Scheduled Tasks) or the task running as a more privileged user.

The curse of detection: What is normal? 

Given flexibility and accessibility of schtasks.exe, it is no surprise that attackers take advantage of it. So what can be done against it in terms of detection?

Step 1: Defining the baseline

Modern Windows systems include more than 100 benign scheduled tasks by default (e.g., for maintenance or backups). Third party software such as browsers create additional scheduled tasks during the installation (e.g., for regular updates). Only monitoring the use of schtasks.exe thus leads to false positives and/or a false sense of security. To identify malicious activities, the benign tasks first need to be properly understood (i.e., what are these tasks, what are their schedules, which parameters values such /TN or /TR do they use) to then use them for filtering. Understanding what is “normal” helps tremendously in building detection capabilities, particularly combined with an understanding of typical adversarial activities. 

Step 2: Full understanding of schtasks.exe and bypass opportunities

To prevent attackers from bypassing the detection logic, it is key to understand how schtasks.exe works under the hood. This is because attackers might not even use the schtasks.exe executable itself, but directly harness the Windows API. SpecterOps’ Capability Abstraction model can be used to answer what API functions underlie a specific technique, which changes are made to the registry and other files, and also whether it results in (detectable) network activity. 

Step 3: Engineering detection logic across various levels

Once schtasks.exe inner workings are understood, detection logic can be implemented. The following ideas are not comprehensive, but give some direction:

Monitoring schtasks.exe execution:

The process creation of schtasks.exe can be monitored using Sysmon’s Event ID 1. For detection tuning, some indicators might be considered: Some binaries such cmd.exe, powershell.exe, regsvr32.exe, and rundll32.exe are often observed in malicious Scheduled Tasks activity. In addition,  the /TN or /TR flags turn out to be useful in detection too. For /TR, for example, it might be possible to identify values seen in the wild (e.g., wercplsupporte.dll used by Blue Mockingbird compared to the legitimate wercplsupport.dll in the same directory). For /TN, random strings (e.g., 36jasjg29tkl used by Dridex), have strange grammar (e.g., in Turla’s Gazer implant) or names that seem to be trying to imitate legitimate names can be indicators for maliciousness. It is also key to detect unusual parent-child relationships.

Monitoring Scheduled Tasks without schtask.exe:

As mentioned above, attackers might directly harness the Windows API / COM Objects. For example, making use of Sysmon’s Event ID 7, it is possible to monitor for images such as taskschd.dll (which is normally imported by schtasks.exe and contains the code to create tasks) being loaded by “suspicious” binaries like Word or Excel. Under normal conditions, Word and Excel would not load it.

Monitoring Registry changes:

When creating Scheduled Tasks, there are multiple registry activities that can be monitored for using Sysmon’s Event ID 12 and 13. The paths to be monitored are: 

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCach
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tasks
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree

Monitoring task file creation:

During the task creation a file is created in the following path, which can be monitored using Sysmon’s Event ID 11:


Monitoring network activity:

When creating Scheduled Tasks locally, no network activity is involved. However, when creating Scheduled Tasks remotely, the network is involved using Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). More specifically, Scheduled Tasks is built upon MS-TSCH, which in turn provides three interfaces with one of them being ITaskSchedulerService. Now, a typical flow of execution in a lateral movement scenario would be as follows: 
  • The adversary on host A transfers payload to target host B (e.g., via SMB).
  • The adversary on host A remotely creates a task to execute payload on target host B by invoking the SchRpcRegisterTask method.
  • The adversary on host A remotely executes the newly created task on host B by invoking the SchRpcRun method.
  • Depending on the payload, the host B then might connect to a C2 server for persistence or exfiltrate data, among others.
  • In addition, the adversary might also invoke SchRpcDelete to delete the created task and cover up traces. 
To detect malicious network activity, the baseline needs to be defined: What kinds of systems are hosts A and B, and have they (or specific users) ever interacted with each other? If so, have they ever remotely executed Scheduled Tasks, and is that part of their function? What kind of authentication was used for the connection? What kind of payload was transferred? When did the activity take place? These questions (and many more) can help when building automatic detection logic but also during manual investigations. 

For more details or alternative flows of execution, refer to Gigamon’s post on lateral movement as well as the official Microsoft documentation on ITaskSchedulerService


The blog post hopefully gave an overview of Scheduled Tasks, why and how they (and other LOLBINs) are used by adversaries, as well as different levels on which its malicious use can be detected. Once detection logic is developed, fine-tuning them is necessary in order to reduce the number of false positives. Regular testing (e.g., through Red Teams or other exercises) is also key, particularly in ever-changing IT environments, where unintentional changes (e.g., deactivation of logging) can break originally working detection rules. Lastly, the detection logic needs to be updated regularly based on real-life observations of constantly changing attack vectors.

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